Award Plaques Blue Crystal

Award Plaques Blue Crystal
Here is our range of blue crystal high quality award plaques which are perfect for recognition events, achievement or incentive gifts, huge choice of shapes and formats, when engraved with logos text and graphics. There are three shapes available in blue, which are hexagon, cylinder and square column.
The Sapphire Blue Hexagons are hand crafted out of optical crystal and are available in 3 sizes which are 12.5, 19cm and 25.5cm. The sloped face on the top of the hexagon can be personalised with any crest, logo or wording to create an award that is sure to take pride of place when put on display at home or at work.
The cylinder award is currently only available in 23cm as 15cm and 18.5cm are currently out of stock.
The square column, which also has a clear section, can be produced in 24, 26 and 28cm clear optical crystal cube seamlessly interposes two cobalt blue rectangles, allowing for a variety of different decoration techniques to be combined